My baby is home!
In fact, she's been home some time except I have not been able to scan it till now. Don't you think she's a stunner!
I fell in love with these teapots designed by Mary Engelbreit the moment I first laid eyes on them. They are so refreshingly vibrant. It was easy picking them as my theme for my first ever RR.
This is a well travelled RR. It had been to Australia, USA, England, Belgium, Italy and now back to Malaysia. It has one more stop to make before I can display it at my dining room and that's to the framer. My baby will be home for good then.
Before I close this chapter on my RR, I must put in writing my thanks and appreciation to my 5 partners of this RR. There were no hitches in meeting our deadlines and each of us were truly determined to see that this RR is a success. To Heather, Patty, Karen, Sabine and Laura, a big "TERIMA KASIH (thank you)" to you. You have all contributed to an heirloom which I will always treasure!
Category: [cross stitch]